
Special Education Advocacy from the Inside Out

November 28, 2022

Beth Liesenfeld was an OT that provided school-based supports for years.

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I'm here to empower and inspire parents and educators to become effective advocates through collaboration, education, and support.


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Beth Liesenfeld was an OT that provided school-based supports for years.  She observed families that got what they wanted and deserved and families that didn’t.  She made notes of her observations and started helping families advocate more effectively with her experiences and observations!  Join Beth and me for a co-hosted/co-published podcast on Advocacy from the Inside Out.  We’ll talk about how parents can best advocate… and so much more! 

Transcript: https://share.descript.com/view/0rf71zb85ER

Meet My Guest: Beth Liesenfeld, MOT, OTR/L is an occupational therapist and passionate about teaching parents how to advocate through the IEP process. As a new occupational therapist in the schools, she was overwhelmed by the IEP process. After participating in 80 meetings per year, she noticed how some parents learned the system just enough to get the most effective IEP for their child possible from the school (and the followthrough, too!) She started her company, The IEP Lab, to provide parent friendly workshops and online courses that can be accessed around a busy parent schedule and start working with the IEP system instead of fighting against it. She is the host of The Parent IEP Lab podcast, hosts the free Parent IEP Advocacy Summit every fall, and helps parents prep for meetings and get IEP followthrough through her signature course, The Ultimate Parent IEP Prep Course




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