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Dr. Annie McLaughlin joins us today to talk about behavior supports at school. We’ll learn what behavior analysts do, how they work in schools, and how the involvement of a behavioral analyst can be an asset in an IEP team. Dr. Annie talks and talk and walks the walk… she works as a special education advocate in Maryland and has so much valuable experience. Even if you’re in the choir, you’ll enjoy hearing her preach!!!
Transcript: https://share.descript.com/view/mi03opFv1Pv
Meet my guest:
Dr. Annie is a full time educational consultant in Maryland where she helps families navigate the IEP process as well as train school systems on best practices in Special Education and behavior analysis. She began her career as a special education teacher and behavior analyst in clinics and schools before transitioning full time to consulting and advocacy. She has three elementary and middle school aged children and enjoys gardening with them.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnieMcLaughlinConsulting
Instagram: www.instagram.com/iepadvocateannie
Website: https://www.SpecialEdGuidance.com
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