The special education & advocacy conference

Meet Ashley

Welcome to Special Education Advocacy with Ashley Barlow

September 6, 2020

Hi! Welcome! First, take a deep breath. I know that you’re feeling anxious, concerned and exhausted by the thought of supporting your special education students this school year.

I'm ashley!

I'm here to empower and inspire parents and educators to become effective advocates through collaboration, education, and support.


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Hi!  Welcome!  First, take a deep breath.  I know that you’re feeling anxious, concerned and exhausted by the thought of supporting your special education students this school year.  This business has been in my heart for several years, and I’m so excited to share it with you soon.  There are 7.1 million children on IEPs in the United States, which means that there are so many parents, teachers, instructional assistants, doctors, therapists, disability organizations, and community support organizations that need information on special education law, advocacy, and best practices.  Whether you’re looking for basic special education advocacy training videos or really detailed information on a specific disability or best practice, you’ll find it here!  I’m even working hard on a specific course to help you through the unknowns of the 2020-2021 school year!  It’s going to be good, so have a seat, pour a cup of coffee, and know that I’ve got this. 

In today’s episode, you’ll get to know me a little more.  You’ll understand how I see things as a parent, a teacher, and a self-advocate.  You’ll understand my “why” and be the first to know about the roadmap for the first course series at Ashley Barlow Co.

I’m so glad you found us!  Grab a glass of lemonade, get cozy, and settle in to listen!

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Are you ready to feel confident, equipped, and empowered in your advocacy journey? Whether you're a parent, teacher, advocate, therapist, or administrator, this conference is designed just for you!

February 26-28