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Our Birth Stories. The Missed Milestones. The Comparison Game. Finding and Maintaining Child Care. Worries about Siblings. Our Jobs as Lifeguards, Therapists, Doctors, Researchers, Teachers, and General Contractors. Navigating Social Situations. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!!! Can you relate to one or EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these issues that caretakers experience? In today’s podcast I talk with Kelly Jones, parent in our community and therapist, about the effect of care giving on the mental health of parents in the special needs community. And what special about this podcast is that there’s no toolkit (of course, of course, we do provide some strategies and ideas for healing). Rather, the purpose of this episode is *community* – for you to feel our community, the togetherness, the connection. I promise that you’ll listen to this episode and feel better for at least one reason. You are not alone. We’re all in this together. Please enjoy!
Meet Kelly:

Kelly Jones (she/her/hers), LPCA, works with children, adolescents, adults, and families utilizing Cognitive Behavioral and Narrative Therapy lenses, which is a fancy way of saying “what do I keep thinking/doing that isn’t helping me obtain the outcome I desire?” and “what do I want my story to say about me?” Kelly loves engaging with clients exactly where they are in life, especially when that point is filled with reflections: What if, Why aren’t things working out as planned, Maybe I have made a mistake, I feel stuck, and Where can I go from here? Kelly is a mother of three boys, and an advocate for children with disabilities and their caregivers. If Kelly could be any children’s literature character, she would be Rosie Revere.
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