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We wrap up our 200th episode celebration today with one of your favorite repeat guests, Dr. Rachel Schwartz, and man did we ever have fun! Dr. Rachel and I set out with a loose idea of discussion topics, but what you really get in this episode is a discussion between someone who supports IEP teams in supporting students’ behavior and an advocate who sees the trends when things go south. Dr. Rachel provides so many insights and strategies for common behavioral issues at schools – both how to support the student and how to advocate within IEP teams. We talk reinforcers, skill deficits, replacement behaviors, sensory process, belonging, and even shame!!!! That one blew my mind and made me want to re-read every Brene Brown book with my clients in mind! I know you’ll love this episode!
Meet the Guest
Rachel Schwartz, Ph.D., BCBA-D, has worked internationally creating and supervising programs for individuals with disabilities. Her work as a consultant and trainer includes teaching behavior analytic strategies and exploring issues related to sexual education and quality of life. Dr. Schwartz has published original research on these topics in special education journals as well as presented at national, state, and local conferences. Through her work as a trainer and consultant with the Watson Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Schwartz taps into more than 15 years of experience working in special education to empower students, families, and professionals.
- The Watson Institute
- LinkedIn- The Watson Institute
- When Behavior Impedes Learning- ADDitude
- A Parent’s Guide to Problem-Solving Problem Behaviors (ADDitude)
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