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Get Trained By the Best – Advocacy Training with Rachel and Jawanda Mast

August 23, 2021

Advocate.  A person who publicly supports a cause of policy.

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I'm here to empower and inspire parents and educators to become effective advocates through collaboration, education, and support.


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Advocate.  A person who publicly supports a cause of policy.  No matter the path we took to get here, we all ended at the same point: Advocate.  Some of us arrived kicking and screaming.  Others knew we’d be advocates from Day One.  Some of us don our advocacy hats begrudgingly still while others decorate them with sequins.  But we’re all advocates.  And today we’re going to meet two of the best.  I can’t wait for you to meet mother- daughter advocacy superstars, Rachel and Jawanda Mast.  In today’s episode we talk all things Advocacy and Self-Advocacy.  Whether you’re just starting your advocacy engine or you’re far down your advocacy path, I know you’ll pick up a few pointers in today’s episode!  

Meet My Guests: 

Jawanda and Rachel Mast 

Mother and daughter team Jawanda and Rachel Mast are passionate about the meaningful inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities in all aspects of the community and have presented at many conferences. The two of them worked alongside advocates from across the country for over eight years to pass the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act allowing individuals with disabilities to save money in 529 type accounts without jeopardizing benefits. Because of her work on passing the ABLE Act nationally and in Kansas, Rachel became the first person to open a Kansas ABLE Savings Account.  

Rachel Mast, who has Down syndrome, is 22 years old and a graduate of Olathe South High School and works as a hostess at the Olive Garden and wants to someday live in a pink house. 

Jawanda Mast is a national grassroots advocacy speaker and consultant. Jawanda is married to Jonathan Mast. Along with Rachel they make their home in Olathe, Kansas. 

Jawanda says their work is a #laborofloveandconviction. 

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